1. DEPOSIT: A deposit of 25% is due on booking. You can pay via bank transfer to the account you’ll find at the end of the page or via PAYPAL at rf@rikyfelderer.com
2. BALANCE: The balance is paid at the end of your stay in euros in cash. Cashpoints in Lotzorai. We accept debit/credit cards with a 2,85% surcharge to cover commission. The prices on the site which are for cash payment.
3. CANCELLATION and REFUNDS: Please take out trip cancellation insurance on booking your holiday. Our refund policy is as follows:
Up to 8 weeks before holiday Refund of deposit/payments excl. any race fees or exchange charges paid by us
Within 8 weeks of holiday No refund
4. CHANGES and ALTERATIONS: We reserve the right to cancel the holiday and in this event will return all monies paid. In the unlikely event of an event cancellation or postponement, we cannot be held responsible for any monetary losses, including lost race fees, or inconvenience caused. We reserve the right to make alternative accommodation or other arrangements which may be necessary due to circumstances beyond our control.
5. RISKS and LIABILITIES: We accept no liability for illness, injury, death, damage to property or other loss whether arising from accident, cancellation, delay or other event beyond our control. You should have sufficient insurance cover for medical expenses, personal liability, baggage and personal effects, money, trip cancellation and delayed departure. Travel insurance should be arranged at the time of booking. Note that many holiday insurance policies MAY NOT cover you for cycling or mountain biking, particularly for racing, and for climbing, kayaking or walking so please check with your insurer. Note also that many areas of Ogliastra are remote, with no mobile phone coverage or people living there…come prepared! Note also that when we accompany our guests on walks or climbing or on rides, we do this without charge and as co-participants, because we enjoy these activities and we enjoy the company. You remain responsible for yourselves, and for managing the risks of what can be dangerous sports. We’re not guides, we have no professional liability insurance if you or we have an accident, we are not responsible for you, and we don’t teach people how to do these sports. If you want a climbing guide, we suggest UIAA Alpine guides. Under Italian law only UIAA Alpine guides or Club Alpino Italiano instructors during CAI courses can teach people to climb outdoors on natural rock. The Regione Sardegna created in July 2012 the role of “Guida montana – Maestro di Arrampicata” but we are not aware of any such-qualified guides or UIAA Alpine Guides based on Sardinia.
6. RACING LICENCE AND INSURANCE: Most road cycling /MTB events require the participants to hold a racing license from British Cycling or an equivalent body, recognised by the UCI. Even the participants of the Corto races will require a medical certificate signed by your doctor. Your booking is accepted on the condition that you realize and accept the risks associated with a cycling /mountain biking holiday and a cycle / MTB race event if relevant, and for walking, kayaking and climbing if you do these activities. You are responsible for insuring that you have adequate insurance cover.
7. RACE EVENTS: You are responsible for reading and agreeing to the race conditions for any event you have signed up to. We will provide an English translation if necessary.
8. PARTICIPANTS BEHAVIOUR: We reserve the right to decline to accept or retain any participant if the behaviour of that person is disrupting the enjoyment of the other members of the group. We are under no liability for any extra cost incurred as a result.
9. Art.13 del D.Lgs. n.196/2003 (Italian privacy law) The affittacamere The Lemon House – Richard Felderer – via Dante 19 08040 Lotzorai (OG) uses your personal data only as strictly needed for you to be able to stay here and as required by law. Specifically:
(a) From April 2009 we send your details to the Police, as required by law, using a web application https:alloggiatiweb.poliziadistato.it into which we insert your data. We keep a copy of what we send so we have your name for the bill and for filling in the statistical returns for the Province on where our guests come from. Up to March 2009, we faxed a filled-out form to the Questura and by law we have to keep these for 5 years.
(b) If you give us your email address, each 3 months we send you the link to our newsletter. Your email address isn’t divulged to third parties.
(c) Your data are handled manually and in electronic form, with access to them constantly supervised. The guests, as per art. 7 del D. Lgs. n. 196/2003 has the right to obtain from The Lemon House the confirmation of whether or not his/her data have been stored, what data are stored and where they came from; their cancellation within a reasonable time period, their transformation into an anonymous format; their updating, modification, or adding-to.
Account: Richard Felderer
Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Via Boni, 24 – 20144 – Milano
Swift-code : pascitmmmi2
IBAN: IT32b0103001602000001756372
BIC: pascitmmmi2